Tuesday, March 27, 2007

3103 Harriet Road

This is a house built in 1910 at the corner of Maddock and Harriet. The house is moderately big of a middle class construction. The house has not been significantly renovated since 1975.

The outside was stuccoed many years ago and it is flaking off.

We would like to buy it. This would mean a lot renovations. We would want to bring it back to the look and feel that it had in 1910. We also need to have it be able to have Sheila's business in it and would have to renovate that.

I suspect we will be making an offer later this week.

A cool tool we are using to look at houses is the CRD Natural Atlas - they have all the lot lines and they have very good ariel photos of the whole CRD.

ps If anyone is interested, the realtor we are using is Karen Scott I recommend her to anyone who is looking for a confident, relaxed and knowledgable realtor.

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