Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Oh MY GOD! An ease up on parking tickets in the City????

Yes, it's true: City to ease up on parking tickets
Carolyn Heiman
Times Colonist

Downtown visitors are often warned about the city's overly diligent parking commissionaires, who seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to expired meters.

But soon it'll be the commissionaires giving the warnings.

The city will introduce a kinder, gentler parking strategy in four to six weeks, Mayor Alan Lowe told the annual general meeting of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce yesterday. He said commissionaires will soon give warnings for minor infractions such as parking too far away from the curb or having a bumper extend a small amount over a yellow line.

Lowe's speech touched on a wide range of social and economic topics and he highlighted several multimillion-dollar projects fuelling the downtown economy. But it was the mention of a new parking strategy that brought loud applause.

"We want to show how parking-friendly we are," said Lowe. He added: "Our commissionaires do a great job. Sometimes they do too good a job."

Under the new strategy, which comes on the heels of a consultant studying the issue, Victoria will see more locations to buy parking cards and a possible change in long-term parking rates.

Last November, the mayor said the city would also consider extending the "grace period" from the time a meter expires until a ticket appears on your windshield.

© Times Colonist (Victoria) 2007

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