At this point it looks like Frank Leonard is the only one going for mayor. There needs to be a race for this position, but because of the nature or our city, the only mayoralty race that counts is the one for Victoria. No matter how long Frank is mayor of Saanich and no matter how much bigger Saanich is, the mayor of Saanich will never speak for the region, only the mayor of Victoria gets to do that.
For Council:
Susan Brice
Judy Brownoff
Vic Derman
Wayne Hunter
Jackie Ngai
Vicki Sanders
Leif Wergeland
Given the nature of Saanich and the low voter turn out, unseating an incumbent is effectively impossible. Because seven people are running for re-election, there is only one open seat for all the rest. I do not see any situation at the moment that would make me think anyone of them will lose.
Lana Popham
Paul Gerrard
Deborah Dickson
All three are declared. I am personally very supportive of Paul Gerrard. This is a man that should have won in 2005, but due to disconnect that people in Saanich feel to their local government, most people chose not to vote because they have no easy source to find out about their local candidates. Paul Gerrard should be running for mayor, this is the man that has the vision we need to move things forward. If he can get elected to council, one hopes he could run for mayor in 2011.
In the wings
Dean Murdock
Patrick Chenier
We should hear shortly about these people. There are more people out there thinking, but the task in Saanich is beyond huge.
Very good website Bernard. I have a little blogsite if you or your readers are interested:
We have a lot of tough issues involving farmland and keeping our "green and pleasant land."
Hope you're doing well.