Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Stan Sipos Enters the Race in Victoria

Developer Stan Sipos has said he is running for mayor of Victoria. He has done some nice developments in town, but I honestly know nothing about him. I like his statement about wanting to make this city one of the world's bets, but I still do not know enough.

The questions I have for him are:

1) What experience does he have to be serving as mayor?

2) Can he afford the cut in pay to be mayor?

3) Since he lives in Oak Bay, why not run for Oak Bay council and push to get Oak Bay amalgamated into Victoria ASAP?

4) Where is his website?

5) Who is going to work with him to put his platform together?

As I find out more, I will report more on his campaign.

1 comment:

  1. CCC

    Although we welcome the interest Mr. Sipos has shown in making the race for the mayor of Victoria truly competitive, the Concerned Citizens' Coalition share some of your concerns about him.

    We refer readers to a recent article in the Times Colonist by Kim Wested, published July 1:

    Ms Wested writes that Mr. Sipos has a history of building accomplishments, most of which we find to be generally well-designed positive additions to their neighbourhoods, except for the Metropolitan on View Street, which we believe is about 3 storeys too high.

    His problems as an over-extended businessman, resulting in his need to seek protection from his creditors, suggests he is a man who takes dangerous risks.

    Found guilty and required to pay a $25,000 fine for having removed contaminated soil from a Humboldt and Douglas site and dumping it on Agricultural Land Reserve farmland is also troubling, to say the least.

    We cannot endorse Mr. Sipos at this time, and are frankly unlikely to do so in the coming months.

    Gregory Hartnell, President
    Concerned Citizens' Coalition

