Friday, August 15, 2008

Sonya Chandler and Phillipe Lucas announce their run for Victoria Council

My friends and fellow citizens,
After much consideration, I’m happy to announce that I’ve decided to put my name on the ballot for a seat on Victoria’s city council. After missing the mark by a mere 118 votes in 2005, I know that there has long been a desire to see a different kind of politics in this city, and a need for real and effective local leadership.

Despite the low voter turn-out of our past few municipal elections, we are not a passive people when it comes to improving the world that we all share. Many of us are actively engaged in creating progressive social change, whether it’s rallying for peace in Iraq or for affordable housing; to save Clayoquot Sound and the Great Bear Rainforest; or to increase our local park space or harm reduction services, this city is filled with bright folks using creative ways to solve social issues throughout the world, and to ensure that Victoria can be a welcoming home for people of all cultures, backgrounds, and income levels.

Although Victoria is the home of many leading voices on social justice issues, the make-up of our municipal government has failed to reflect the compassionate values and progressive ideas of our local citizens for far too long. The 2005 campaign saw a brief crack in the status quo with the election of my co-candidate Sonya Chandler, a nurse with the Victoria Youth Clinic and without a doubt the most forward thinking voice on our city council, it quickly became clear that she needs help at City Hall if we hope to see Victoria reach its full potential.

With this in mind I’m now asking all you who work so hard every day to make our entire world a better place to re-direct your energy and creativity towards the municipal region for the next few months by volunteering with our campaign. From mid-September until our local elections on November 15th, I’m asking you to support better approaches to homelessness and affordable housing; to work towards more evidence-based strategies for substance use and harm reduction; to demand increased democracy and public consultation in our region; to ensure sustainable development policies and good value for money on sewage treatment; and to rally behind better public transportation and increased investment into bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.

In other words, I’m asking you to take everything that you’ve learned through your own community involvement, activism, and advocacy, and to contribute whatever you can – time, energy, ideas, funding and resources — to ensure that your city finally represents your hopes and values. For eight weeks, let’s work together to change the way that we do politics in this town; let’s take back city council; let’s finally reach our full community potential. Let’s get involved!

Please join Sonya and I on August 24th, 1-3pm at 1104 Topaz Ave. for our first volunteer meeting/brainstorming; drinks and snacks will be provided so RSVPs are appreciated. If you can’t make it, contact me at 250-884-9821, or at to find out how you can help.
Many thanks,
Philippe Lucas
Candidate for Victoria City Council


Hi there.
As you may or may not have heard, I have decided to run again for Victoria City Council with my friend and colleague Philippe Lucas. The election this year is Nov 15th and is ramping up to be a very interesting campaign with inevitable change for the future of municipal politics here in our Capital City due to the number of seats that will be opening up. Bea Holland and Helen Hughes have both announced they aren't running, and Dean Fortin is running for Mayor. This opens three seats on council - that’s right - no matter what we will end up with 3 new city councillors! Chris Coleman and Charlayne Thornton-Jo are also both thinking of running for Mayor and if they do (because only one Mayor is elected) we could see five seats change over. This is unheard of in recent history and means we have a clear chance of getting both Philippe and I elected!

In a nutshell, our vision for Victoria is a green and family friendly City with quality harm reduction facilities and social services; sustainable economic and architectural development; strong, supported and active communities; clean and protected (and food producing!) land, air and water; and a council ready and able to be innovative and principled in their leadership.

We are hoping that all of you that are already working towards this vision in one way or another could put some time aside to contribute your expertise to our efforts. We need your help! I am emailing you today because we ran an awesome campaign in 2005 and Philippe missed a seat by just over 110 votes and so we know we have to work even harder this time around. So if you volunteer at all at any level or make contributions to any charity - please consider redirecting these energies for the next three months to support our campaign. This is the ultimate example of "thinking globally (nationally, provincially, regionally) - act locally!" Since being on council I have learned so much about the potential Victoria has to be a leader in meeting economic, social and environmental challenges, and the opportunity we have to impact real, long lasting change is within reach.

We are having a Campaign Kickoff event to get the energy flowing, and I am hoping that you will join us. There is lots to do - and something to suit everyone’s abilities and interests...from campaign management, volunteer coordination, web design, media and communication, event planning all the way to button making, knocking on doors, or even just attending events with Philippe and I.

We need YOU; Victoria needs you!!!

Aug 24th – 1-3pm, 1104 Topaz Ave.
Snacks and Beverages will be available - you just need to bring creativity, vision and the desire to change Victoria for the better!
Please RSVP so we have enough munchies...
Thanks for your support, in advance!
Sonya Chandler
Victoria City Councillor

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