Friday, September 05, 2008

From Joseph Boutilier's Website

This is from Joseph Boutilier's website. What I find so interesting is that he wants run with no donations of money. I love the idealism of youth, the desire to change the world. I like that he is thinking.


Money talks. It talks with us, and sometimes for us, and unfortunately elections are often dominated by the aggressive marketing campaigns of select individuals, fueled by the commercial interests with cash enough to shout above all the other voices. It shouldn't be that way. It should be the city's responsibility to ensure that all candidates have a level playing field and aren't left on their own to encourage voter participation. That's why I plan to run a $0 Donations campaign. I will not be accepting a single penny for campaign-related activities.

If you're feeling generous, I would suggest you put your contributions in an organization that benefit our broader community such as The Land Conservancy, Cool Aid or the Saanich Civic League in Saanich.

That doesn't mean you can't support me, though! Send me an email if you'd like to volunteer with canvassing and other opportunities and learn the twists and turns of the campaign trail. Or you can make one of the following $0 Donations to help generate publicity that speaks with words instead of debit, credit or cash:

- Make your own campaign sign for your business, yard, bike, or backpack - use so that people know where they can learn more.

- Spread the word - email your friends and family, network on Facebook, tell your coworkers, and let everyone know when and where they can vote.

- Write a letter to the editor of your favorite (or least favorite) newspaper or magazine.

- Send me a video or text endorsement to show your support as a community stakeholder, business owner, manager or volunteer.

- Print out your own flyers to pass out to neighbours and strangers.

- Encourage other municipal candidates to run a $0 Donations campaign.

And if you don't support me...

Let me know. I am always open to feedback and would love to hear your ideas and thoughts on my platform and policies.



  1. So he will not accept cash but he will accept donations in kind? He doesn't want money to control an election but he suggests donating money to a political party? I'd say his thinking is pretty muddled.

  2. Anonymous9:57 pm

    Anyone with plain, common sense can read and learn that he doesn't accept any monetary donations - not even donations in kind. I think he's suggesting us to contribute with our words of mouth.

    It's funny. Read the excerpt. And read the comment from the guy above. I haven't met the youth, don't know how his thinking is. But someone's thinking's very muddled for sure.

  3. Apparently, "plain, common sense" has a different meaning for you and I.

    To quote from the excerpts provided:

    "Print out your own flyers to pass out to neighbours and strangers."

    That is a donation in kind.

    "If you're feeling generous, I would suggest you put your contributions in an organization that benefit our broader community such as The Land Conservancy, Cool Aid or the Saanich Civic League in Saanich."

    The Saanich Civic League is a political party.

  4. Anonymous1:54 pm

    I am 'the youth'. I'm not sure that printing out flyers should constitute any more a donation in-kind then the time my supporters have dedicated to promoting my campaign through other mediums. As for the Saanich Civic League - it is NOT a political party - it is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting civic participation.

    My $0 donations policy is designed to encourage support while ensuring no one has the opportunity to 'buy' additional votes for me.

    If everyone used this system, there may certainly be more signs for a candidate that supported, say, looser sign by-laws. But it's still one step closer to more effective democracy. After all, is there not already a bias in the media towards candidates and parties that support...*gasp* the media? Conclusion: 'in kind' donations are inevitable, for better or for worse.

  5. Anonymous3:53 am

    Thanks for writing this.
