Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Race in View Royal

I have not heard a single thing about anyone wanting to run in View Royal. In 2005 the council was elected by acclamation and this could be the case again.

View Royal is a local government without a place - there is no community that is View Royal and finding someone that identifies as being from View Royal is rare. Why would anyone run for office or vote if you do not have a sense of community?

This municipality serves no one's needs and should be broken up and added to Esquimalt, Colwood and Saanich. This would benefit everyone in the region and really improve the situation for the people living in that random set of boundaries that is View Royal.


  1. Anonymous4:27 pm

    I live in View Royal and could not disagree more with your comment.
    Many residents have a strong sense of identity and we are a tight knit community. In 2002 there were 9 candidates for 4 Council seats and 2 candidates for mayor. I think the acclamation last time was in large part because the community was very happy with the existing Council.

  2. Anonymous12:30 pm

    I'm new to living back in the View Royal community but my family has been there 30 years. Fifteen years ago I would have agreed with your synopsis but, in the short time I've been back, I lean more towards agreeing with the first commentator. Merging with any of the other municipalities could very well decrease our sense of place and identity.

  3. Anonymous8:23 pm

    I am a proud resident of View Royal and have been since purchasing my home 1 1/2 yrs ago. I agree with Mr Schulmann in the sense(although he didn't articulate it) that we have far too many municipalities in the Greater Victoria region however, to suggest that " there is no community that is View Royal" is truly ignorant. Clearly the fellow hasn't spoken to anyone who lives or has lived here.
    During the open house of the home I subsequently purchased, I encountered 2 families trying to move back into the area BECAUSE of the community. I have also been vocal in engaging my entire neighbourhood regarding a recent application for development. What I learned is many of my neighbours find this area so valuable to their families that instead of moving out of the area to provide for a growing family, they instead were patient and waited for homes to go up for sale and purchased them.

    If that doesn't resonate community I don't know what does! Are we hesitant to be grouped into a whole, you betcha! We have a lot to lose.

  4. Clearly I have been misreading the community of View Royal. There are clearly a group of people that feel it has a strong sense of community as a place.

    I have spoken to people close to VGH that feel no connection to View Royal and to people that bought close to Thetis Lake - one of which did not know she was in View Royal till she get a property tax notice.

    I based my views on those people and on the anything I could see that is a defining place where people gather and meet.

    So I correct myself and must defer to the people living in View Royal. I am sorry if I have offended anyone.

    Now Oak Bay, is that not just Fairfield east?
