Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The attempt to look at the field in the Victoria election

Robert Allington has no website, but has been involved with the Democratic Reform Party of BC, you can read his bio there.

Nick Baker is downtown business owner but what business I do not know. He seems to be mainly interested in the drug and homelessness issues of downtown.

Joseph Boutilier is only 18 but has more experience with local government than most of the people running. This comes from his time on the City of Victoria Youth Council.

Suzanne Carroll, all I know about her is that she seems to be from Saltspring Island. I believe she has made it to one all candidates meeting

Sonya Chandler is a Green running for re-election. I have been happy with her on council, though I know there are others that have not been fans, but in politics no one is liked by everyone. She has been endorsed by the Victoria Labour Council.

Chris Coleman is a friend and I would love to seem him re-elected. He has all the qualities one wants of a city councilor, best of all I know of no one that is able to listen better to concerns and be able to understand the underlying interests and find a balance.

Tavis Dodds is a member of the Work Less Party. He is anti-poverty activist and a liberation theologist according to Monday Magazine. He has been involved with the tents in parks stuff.

John Farquharson is campaigning hard to get elected. He might be really good, but it is so hard for me to get a real sense of him without having met him. From what I see, he should be able to be a good councilor.

Chris Gillespie is another young candidate. For some reason there are a lot of late teens/early 20s guys running for council. I can not get much of sense of him from his website.

Gregory Hartnell is doing a good job of providing coverage of the all candidates meetings. He is the editor of La Rosa and was involved with saving St Ann's. He is part of the Concerned Citizens Coalition.

Rose Henry is active in many poverty issues in the region. She is involved with the Friendship Centre.

Barry Hobbis operates the Victoria Harbour Ferries. His concern is for safe and clean streets.

Wayne Hollohan is predident of the Fairfield Community Association and would make a good addition to council. Read his account of a night at a shelter, I only have eight votes...

Lynn Hunter was the NDP MP for Saanich - Gulf Islands from 1988 to 1993. She is on a slate with Dean Fortin and Pam Madoff and endorsed by the Victoria Labour Council.

Patrick Jamieson is also with the Concerned Citizens Coalition. I know very little about him.

Allen Jones is a priest working on the streets of Victoria. He is also with the Concerned Citizens Coalition.

Jonathan Le Drew from Saltspring, but I can find out nothing else.

Philippe Lucas is a Green and heads the Vancouver Island Compassion Society. He has been endorsed by the Victoria Labour Council.

Jane Lunt was at one time a VCE councilor in Victoria elected in 1993 and 1996. I have not been able to find any evidence of her campaign online.

John Luton is a cycling advocate and clearly has the support of the NDP side of the spectrum as seen on his endorsement page - I wish more candidates would have endorsement pages. He has been endorsed by hte Victoria Labour Council.

Pam Madoff is running for re-election on a slate with Dean Fortin and Lynn Hunter. The Victoria Labour Council endorses her.

Chris Munkacsi - I will talk more about him later, we are having a coffee at Spiral Cafe tomorrow evening at 7pm.

Simon Nattrass is young but seems to have a better grasp of the issues than most people out there. I am voting for him.

Denis Oliver I know very little about him and only have the Chamber of Commerce questionaire to go by.

Richard Park - more youth on the ballot. He looks like he is following the Rob Flemming route in politics, parlay his time in UVic politics into a council seat.

Robert Randall - I am very impressed with Rob and really would like to see him get elected. Please vote for him.

David Shebib is another homelessness activist, but I can not find out much about why he is running for council.

Diana Smardon has almost information on her website or facebook group.

Charlayne Thorton-Joe is running for re-election. I am simply stunned at the dedication she has for this city and how her heart is open. Vote for her, please.

John Turner is bizzare, it sounds like he is running for mayor. I assume he meant to repeat for mayor but decided to run for council. If you can make sense of his website and what wants to do, please summarize it for me. He looks he is a nice well meaning guy, but not ready for prime time.

Jon Valentine I can find nothing about him at all.

Tim Van Alstine is making another run for council, last time was in 1999. He has been the chair of the James Bay Neighbourhood Association since 1993. He has been active in local government issues for 17 years now and is clearly ready to be on council.

Pieta VanDyke was on Victoria council from 1987 to 1990. She has been involved in the community for many years and has the experience to be on council, but her platform is too anti-development for my liking. It is also curious that as a former Vice Chair of the Victoria Labour Council that they did not endorse her.

Susan Woods I met with her for coffee a few weeks ago and I was more than impressed. She is knows the issues, she knows the process and she is intelligent and throughful. She also comes at things from a cooperative approach that seeks commonality. Please vote for her.

Geoff Young is back for another term. He is an economist, we need a lot more economists elected on all levels of government. He is fiscally responsible, pragmatic, listens well, informed, environmentally aware, and generally a very decent guy. Victoria made a mistake when he was not elected mayor back in 1999. Please vote for Geoff Young.

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