Thursday, October 02, 2008

Some more candidates in Victoria. Here in the city we have an abundance of people running for office.

We have one more for mayor and three more for council.

Saul Andersen for Mayor

Wayne Hollohan making a second bid for council.

And two more young candidates, Richard Park and Christopher Williams.

This from the Victoria News


Surprise mayoral candidate first to file papers

The first day to file nomination papers for the Nov. 15 civic election didn’t bring many people to Victoria City Hall -- just one in fact.

But the one who did go down to make it official Tuesday was a surprise candidate for mayor – Saul Andersen.

Andersen calls his two platform planks “more fun and more farming.”

“More fun’s kind of a blanket phrase,” he explained.

“A safe place for everyone to sleep, that to me is more fun. And harm reduction ... that’s more fun because I can let my kid play in the park and not worry about stepping over needles or people that are in rough shape.”

He would also speed the city’s efforts to allow and encourage urban agriculture.

The boisterous 39-year-old taxi driver and single father ran as an independent candidate in the last federal election, picking up 282 votes.

As a night-shift driver, he’s critical of the city’s current plans to stem bar closing-hour hooliganism by closing downtown take-out eateries at 1 a.m.

While Andersen is the first to officially file papers, he’s the sixth declared candidate for the chair Alan Lowe will vacate in December, joining Dean Fortin, Simon Nattrass, John C. Hunter, Georgia Jones and Rob Reid in the race.

And while nobody had papers in by the News’ deadline Wednesday, five people went public with plans to run for city council, bringing the number of expected candidates up to 21.

The new names likely to be found on the ballot included two students, one from Camosun College and the other from the University of Victoria.

Christopher Williams, 22, is in his second year studying political science at Camosun, where he also serves as external affairs executive for the student union and sits on the board of governors.

Williams grew up in Victoria and places creating affordable housing as his top priority, proposing the city explore ways to get developers to include affordable units in new developments.

Richard Park, 20, is a fourth-year biology student at UVic and sits on the university’s board of governors, senate and student society. The Chilliwack native came here to study but says he fell in love with the city and wants to help it live up to its potential.

He was part of a lobby effort that won $3.5 million in gas tax money for Victoria transit and would like the city to stand up to developers and win affordable housing concessions.

A pair of past candidates also announced they will make new bids for office.

Wayne Hollohan, 49, a pilot, engineer and current president of the Fairfield Community Association is taking a second run.

He’s critical of the city’s use of spot-zoning, arguing the current council’s willingness to deviate from community plans has hurt its ability to tackle other problems.

Poverty and homelessness activist Rose Henry has launched a Facebook group promoting her third bid for city hall. She was not available for comment.

Cycling and transit advocate John Luton announced Tuesday that he will run for council as well.

Currently executive director of Capital Bike and Walk, Luton wants to press for light rail transit and a publicly owned and operated de-centralized sewage treatment system that incorporates resource-recovery technology.

Nomination papers can be filed at city hall until Oct. 10 at 4 p.m.

Election day is Nov. 15.

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