Saturday, October 25, 2008

Vibrant Victoria - A Great Resource for Candidates

I would urge all people running for election to check out the Vibrant Victoria.

From the website:
With thirteen municipalities, and a bewildering 43 candidates for Victoria City mayor and council, covering the coming municipal elections is no small feat. Vibrant Victoria is doing our part to get the information out there.

If you are looking for a list of candidates for your municipality check out our 2008 Election Candidates Stickies. We have one for the Core Municipalities and one for the Western Communities and Peninsula. These stickies include the key issues of candidates if we know them, and their campaign websites if they have one.

If you live in Victoria, and want to know where the All Candidates Meetings are, you will find a list here in our Elections Coverage area, while those who have attended the meetings are encouraged to share their thoughts with us on a thread called Victoria All Candidates Meetings: Your Impressions. For Saanich you can find a list of meetings on the Saanich All Candiates Meeting Thread,

In the 2008 CRD Municipal Elections area of the forum each candidate has a thread where they are welcome to post their platforms, and the public is welcome to ask them questions. This is also where people can share their thoughts about the candidate, or pass on bits of information about this candidate's positions on various issues.

There are certain issues that VV members have felt are critical to this election, and you can find them here, in the Election Issues area of VV. We have several candidates who have become members of VV (registration is free!) and who have bravely joined the discussion. Among them are Robert Randall, Susan Woods, Joseph Boutilier, Simon Nattrass, Pieta Van Dyke, and Corey Burger. Over 7,000 Victorians checked out VV last month, and with elections approaching, this month will be a new record for traffic.

With tough economic times ahead, street issues dominating the news, an affordable housing shortage crises, a labour shortage, and sewage treatment coming down the pipe, the next four years promise to be interesting times. And I mean that in the Chinese curse sense of the word. So who we put at the helm is a critical decision. The advantage of an open forum for election discussions is that YOU are welcome to add your information, thoughts and opinions to the mix. Candidates who grab the attention of VV members, or who participate in the discussion, have a chance to really stand out.

Lurkers are welcome - you can read the forum without registering. But to get rid of that annoying "wall o'ads" or to join in the discussion, take 5 minutes to register for free! Your information will be kept absolutely private, and never be sold or shared.

See you at the polls on November 15th! Our City depends on it!

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