Thursday, November 06, 2008

I got this from one of the candidates

Candidates United to Organize Their Own Debate

A debate for Victoria council candidates only (not mayors) has been scheduled for Saturday, November 8, 7pm at St. Andrew's Elementary (1002 Pandora). The meeting will feature introductions from many of the 35 council-hopefuls, plus plenty of time reserved for questions from the floor. Mayoral candidates are invited to attend and speak one-on-one with voters, while council candidates will get to publicly address as many as five questions each.

The meeting is the result of collective planning on the part of candidates for council, who realized early on in the election that other meetings were granting them an average of one minute (if at all) for every hour mayoral candidates had to speak. Candidates have organized the debate to let voters focus on the 8 out of 9 votes in their future council not assumed by the mayor. Organizers hope voters will feel more empowered to make informed decisions after having heard, first-hand, from members of the uniquely large and diverse roster of candidates.

The St. Andrew's Elementary meeting is one of three set to happen before the November 15 general voting day, not including private functions and events for school board-candidates.

Pending on the success of Saturday's event, candidates for council are considering other ways of uniting to effectively inform voters about the 'muddled' 2008 municipal elections, which have largely been over-shadowed by elections elsewhere.

The meeting is open to the public and is free to attend. Campaign literature will be up for grabs, as usual, and many candidates will be available after the debate for meet and greet discussions.

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