Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lots of endorsements and some comments

I am adding as many endorsements as I can about the candidates running in the region. In the last day I have added the TC, Monday Magazine and the Conservation Voters of BC.

I will try to do a round up of the election through out the region over the next day.

I apologize to those candidates that wanted to meet with me and we have not done so yet, I have a new born (OK, Max is four months old now so not really newborn), my father-in-law is living with us as he goes through his last stages of cancer, and my mother over in the lower mainland recently had a small stroke. So, I am busier with family stuff than I have ever been.

Anyone who wants to send me their opinion piece - something in the order of 300 to 500 words max about any aspect of the election in the region - I will try to post it here before election day. Send your comment to my email address - bernard at

I have been amazed at the amount of traffic this small attempt to inform people has been getting - over 500 different people per day in the last two weeks. Yesterday was even higher.

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