Saturday, November 08, 2008

More ads and where I saw them

Senior Living
Page 41 has an ad from the City of Victoria telling people about the election but nothing from any candidates

Victoria News Friday Nov 7th
Page 6 Pieta VanDyke with a small ad right above an ad from John Farquharson that is twice the size.
Pages 7,8 and 9 have information about candidates in the election.
Page 9 Richard Park and Barb Desjardins both have decent sized ads at the bottom of the page. Barb also has an on page 13, the rememberance day ad. Above them is a smaller joint ad from Bev Horsman and Mike Hayes for School Board #61. The top of the page has an ad for Bob McKie running for Esquimalt Council and Lynda Hundleby also running for Esquimalt.
Ali Gaul has a small ad on page 25, the sports section, which makes sense given her passionate involvement with Archie Browning Arena.

In the Rememberace Day insert, four candidates for office have placed ads.

Focus Magazine
There is a good article on page 48 where candidates from around the region were asked what their dream city is. I highly recommend reading, I wish there was an online version.
Charlayne Thorton-Joe has an ad on page 51, right at the end of the article.
Rob Reid has a small ad on page 45

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