Thursday, March 26, 2009

Looking at Victoria Beacon Hill

This is safe NDP ground. Carole James is the MLA and should have little trouble in getting re-elected. This is one of the seats the NDP almost won during the 2001 disaster.

Dallas Henault is running for the BC Liberals. He is young and passionately loves politics. He is well plugged into the online world.

Adam Saab is the Green candidate. Nice guy, hard working, but nothing to indicate he will pull the Green vote up much.

Viola Langley is running for BC Refederation. She is not the sort of person I would have expected to run for what was a cranky old white guy political party. I will post more on her and other less covered candidates during the election.

The riding has lost Vic West to Esquimalt Royal Roads and gained some area on the northern edge from what was Victoria Hillside. The 2005 results in the boundaries show very little change in the results.

My prediction as a result is as follows:

  • Carole James - 14000
  • Dallas Henault - 9000
  • Adam Saab - 3000
  • Viola Langley - 500

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