Friday, August 21, 2009

ALR removal application in Langford

This came through my email inbox

You are receiving this email as I have reason to believe you would be interested and concerned about these exclusion applications of ALR lands. ALR land is a provincial issue and you do not need to be a citizen of Langford to be concerned about removal of lands within tyhe City of Langford from the provincial Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR).


At this past Langford Council meeting on Monday, August 17th mayor & council resolved to “submit a letter report to the Agricultural Land Commission stating that the City would support the exclusion of 3398 Luxton Road ( File No. ALR-06-05)and 3639 Happy Valley Road
(File No. ALR-09-01). Mayor Young confirmed that the City of Langford’s Agricultural Land Reserve Fund would be the recipient of the cash contribution calculated as 20% of the value of the land at the time of rezoning. This would mean Langford would receive no cash when the land was removed from the ALR, but would expect 20% of the value of the land at the time it is rezoned when the proponent would come to the City with a rezoning
application. Rezoning of ALR land is very limited so the first step in most rezoning applications of ALR land is usually to have the land removed from the ALR.

These 2 applications will be, I presume, forwarded by the City of Langford to the ALC shortly for consideration. If you wish to express your opinion on these exclusion applications, or find out if the ALC will be holding any hearings on these properties,

you can write to, or email:

Land Use Planner, ALC
Gordon Bednard
Vancouver Island
Tel: 604 660-7011

Provincial Agricultural Land Commission
133-4940 Canada Way
Burnaby, BC V5G 4K6
Tel: 604 660-7000

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