Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Since a few hundred of you read this most days.....

I thought I would take a moment to shill for my oldest son Daniel.  

He wants to earn enough money to be able to go to Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Quakers.   This is in the third week of August in Winnipeg this year.  He wants to travel via Saskatoon to meet up with a couple other 15/16 year Quaker youth going to Winnipeg.   Daniel feels a strong connection to the national gathering because of the youth that come from across the country to be there each year.

The picture is of him using the zipline in Robson Square during the Olympics - he is the one on the right.   He had the patience to wait for hours to ride the line.

Daniel is looking for odd jobs this week and the first week and half of August.

He is 15, works hard in the garden and is smart enough not to need a lot of supervision.   He can do garden jobs well.   He is also a good researcher, I had him do some GIS based research for me and he did better than people with university degrees, if I had more research work to be done, I would get him to do it for me.

If you are interested, call Daniel at 250-298-7501, this is my home number.

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