Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Time to discuss amalgamation - Thursday Sept 30th 7:30 pm

I have been letting people know about a meeting I am hosting this week to discuss amalgamation on municipal governments in this region.   It is more than high time for this to happen and it is time for a group of people with some energy to start making it happen.

People are all welcome to come to 3103 Harriet Road, corner of Harriet and Maddock.  Meeting to start at 7:30 pm.

So far the attendance looks like it will be smallish, but a group that is very engaged about local government in the CRD.  My hope is that what will come out the meeting of some sense of what amalgamation could look like and a clear path of what needs to be done to achieve this.

We will see where it all leads.

I will hold another meeting towards the end of October to continue the discussion.

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