Thursday, October 07, 2010

Steve Filipovic to run for Victoria City Council

Here is what I got today via email from Steve  - his slogan is catchy, No Bridge before Housing


This list is a list generated while promoting the green philosophy in Federal Elections

It has been along time since I posted. The biggest news in my life is that Leah and I now have two daughters.

Corina our latest is just 7 weeks old and Vivian is now 2 years plus some and is the height of 4yr olds.

Leah is enjoying Corina and is especially thank full for all the lessons learned the first time around.

Now to do the work we need to do to keep this place a great place to grow up in.

.I have for you my new website:

Please do check it out and submit some feed back…

I am very interested to hear your thoughts on how this campaign might work out.

I would like you to start thinking about the many ways possible for us to ramp up this campaign.

I would like to be a City Councillor and I need your help to do it.



250 – 888 - 2588

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