Thursday, November 18, 2010

George Sirk - Best prepared to be on Council

I thought I would quickly make some comments about George Sirk who is running for Victoria City council in the current by-election.  He has unique experience that no other candidate in the race has, he was elected to the Comox Strathcona Regional District for nine years as the director for Cortes Island.

His experience is not a trivial thing.  Being on a local government is a learning process and whoever wins on Saturday will have to try and get up to speed outside of the normal environment in which new councilors learn about how to sit on a council.   The new councilor will only be on council for one year and they will be need to be able to get up to speed very quickly.   George has the experience that he will be the quickest off the mark if elected.

If being well prepared to sit on council is important to you, this is the guy for you.

Ultimately his being the best prepared to sit on the council means very little of he can not get elected.   I really can not see a scenario in which he can win the election.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:27 am

    Whoa George Sirk in a suit????

    He left a nasty legacy of double standards favouring Tides Foundation money and Hollyhock inc in his position as RD director.

    Now we have Vision Victoria.
