Thursday, November 04, 2010

Local Governments looking for citizens to sit on committees

Everyone should take a year or two to serve on a committee of local government, I think it is an important civic duty and leads to better governance when a broader range of people serve.

You can read more for the City of Victoria on this link.  You have till November 12th to apply.      The committees they are looking for people for are:

Esquimalt is looking for people to join the following committees (November 12th deadline):
Oak Bay, also with the November 12th deadline is looking for the following:

  • Advisory Design Panel
  • Board of Variance
  • Heritage Advisory Panel
  • Recognition of Renovation and Building Achievement Awards Panel

I do not see on Saanich's website when they are making their decisions, but they have a host of committee positions coming open at the end of the year.

I have no idea what View Royal's process is or their schedule.

I would do more, but my freaking computer and the network are fighting giving me intermittent access to the internet

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