Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Uptown Centre

Intersection of Oak and Saanich

Current state of concrete in the new section
I have not been at the new Uptown Centre in some time, there is honestly very little there for me any longer, I find the WalMart less useful than before.   I dropped in there today because I needed to buy some new cheap casual shoes and WalMart does that well.

I like the styling of a lot of the buildings but I remain completely unimpressed with the traffic flows for cars and people.  I can not see how they are going to avoid perpetual gridlock on the surface streets.   This being Victoria, few people are going to park underground.

I like what I am seeing for landscaping on the southeast corner of the development, it may actually be pretty.   The southwest corner remains monolithic.
The "Grand Staircase"
Looking at the WalMart Plaza

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