Friday, April 01, 2011

I am very open about my politics, people normally know where I come from.   I also show up at places where people do not expect me.   So here are two overt political things I did in the last 24 hours.

The sign is screwed into the fence, otherwise it would not last
more than a couple of hours in this neighbourhood
Last night I was at the NDP leadership debate.   You can read about my night of being a tourist in NDP Land on my political blog BC Iconoclast.  I openly encouraged my 13 year old son to join the NDP so he could vote in the race.   He is learning first hand about the political process.   I  took him and a friend to the debate last night.

Meanwhile, this morning I became the first person in my neighbourhood to have a sign on their property.  I am really do like Patrick Hunt.

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