Thursday, July 07, 2011

A couple of logistical issues about the LRT

At grade rail systems are a logistical nightmare. Since a lot of work and a lot of money was put into the alignment work I assume that the route as published online is the best possible location and all the details have been considered.   What stands out to me is that the more I look at it, the more I think the Galloping Goose will no longer exist if the LRT is built.

First off, how do you manage to fit the LRT right of way in this location without getting rid of the Galloping Goose on the bluff above the highway?

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Next to the youth detention centre (that is the building on your right as you get to Ext 10 heading out of town) the alignment is to be between the highway and the detention centre. I look at this and I try to figure out where the space will be to fit the LRT in.   This is the only location between Uptown and the Old Island Highway where alignment leaves the Galloping Goose.

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Then we get to going under the #1 and heading towards Colwood. There is on space there for the LRT or the Galloping Goose, but not both.

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People have been raising the issue of loss of access to properties on Douglas due to the LRT and the impact of the loss of lanes, no one has been talking about the same issue/problem on the Old Island Highway in View Royal/Colwood. Right now the Old Island Highway is reduced to a single lane northbound in View Royal and it causes major problems for traffic.

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Finally, how will the intersection of Goldstream and Veteran's Memorial Parkway be dealt with? The LRT is to cross from Goldstream to Station Ave, this strikes me as problematic as the current E&N alignment. Any train going through the intersection will stop all four directions of traffic to stop. This would about every three minutes the intersection would have to close to allow an LRT go through the intersection.

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I am curious if anyone out there has answers how these locations can be managed?   Also, do we really want to see an end to the Galloping Goose?

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