Wednesday, September 21, 2011

LRT Debate October 6th

The UDI is hosting a debate between Rob Wickson and Bev Highton on the LRT.

This is the proposed agenda for the lunch:

DRAFT - Lunch Event Schedule

Date: Thursday, October 6, 2011
Time: 11:30am to 1:45pm
Place: Harbour Towers – 345 Quebec Street

11:30am –
Registration and name tags
Mingle – collateral browse

11:45pm –
Welcome by Mike Miller (UDI President)
Lunch is served

12:15pm –
– moderator (Stephen Andrew) (5 min)
Pro – LRT speaker Rob Wickson (25 min) Share views of having LRT link to West Shore
Against LRT speaker – Bev Highton (25 min) Share their concerns for LRT

1:10pm –
Question and Answer – facilitated by moderator (Stephen Andrew)

1:45pm –
Closing remarks and thank you’s

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