Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tim Morrison for Esquimalt Council Press Release

September 14, 2011
For immediate release

Esquimalt Blogger Seeks Council Seat
- In the era of social media, an Esquimalt blogger is progressing from keyboard to candidate. blogger Tim Morrison announced today in a blog post that he will be seeking an Esquimalt Council seat in this fall’s municipal elections.

“In the era of social media, it is increasingly common that more community activism is taking place on computers,” says Morrison. “It is now a natural progression to go from keyboard to candidate.”

Morrison, who serves as Co-Chair of the Esquimalt Resident Association, said he plans to run a grassroots campaign through social media channels.

“My blog and facebook account have long been about issues and life in Esquimalt and, today, I launched a twitter account (@TimForEsquimalt) as yet another channel to get people in Esquimalt better connected and informed,” says Morrison.

In addition to serving as Esquimalt Residents Association Co-Chair for the past two years, Morrison is also a member of the Esquimalt Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee, Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce, and a Block Captain for Esquimalt Block Watch.

“It is time to renew Esquimalt Council with new voices and new ideas,” says Morrison. “We need councillors to lead our community and we need councillors that will listen to our community.”

“We need to focus on what should be down and what should be up in Esquimalt,” adds Morrison. “We need to keep our property taxes down in order to make our community more affordable to younger families while upping economic opportunities for new businesses to locate here in support of our tax base.“

Tim Morrison is a communications professional with the BC Assessment Authority. He has also been a policy advisor, educator, school trustee, journalist, world traveller and adventure tour guide. Tim Morrison is volunteer editor/blogger for

For more information, visit Tim’s campaign website at


Media contact: Tim Morrison, Tel. 250-893-8188 / Email:

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