Friday, October 14, 2011

2 Candidates for Sooke Council

From the Sooke News Mirror:

Published: October 12, 2011 5:00 AM
Two more residents have stepped forward to declare their candidacy for District of Sooke council in the Nov. 19 municipal election.

As the old saying goes, “ I’m mad as hell and not going to take it any more,” quotes Jim Mitchell when announcing his run for council.

“Now is the time to Save Our Sooke. We must reduce the property taxes, reduce our debt, bring back common sense to our local politics and eliminate the in-camera meetings and back-room deals. It will take a complete change in our council to uncover the full details on all of the problems and lawsuits that Sooke is now facing.”

If elected, I will use the experience of my 30 plus years as a public accountant and auditor to get Sooke’s finances in order and to reduce the property taxes. I would also urge other like – minded residents to step up to the plate, either to run for council or to volunteer for various committees or as a fire fighter. Let’s bring back the spirit of Sooke.

Shaunna Salsman was a Green Party candidate in the last federal election and is now running for district council.

“I would like you and the residents of Sooke to know, I have put in my papers and I am very excited to say, I will be running for Sooke council in this upcoming municipal election. I will be supporting and promoting: working collectively for the community, sustainable choices, buying local, green businesses, high-quality local jobs, agriculture security, zero waste, road improvements for safer commutes, sustainable growth, stabilizing taxation, revitalization of our down town core.”

All candidates have until Oct. 12 to file their nomination papers.

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