Friday, October 28, 2011

Aaron Hall running for Victoria Council

This is in the email I got from him.   I am backing Aaron, you should consider doing so as well.

Hello everyone,

You all know I am not a big fan of group email, but in this case I thought it would be ok.

Many of you know I am running for Victoria City Council on the Open Victoria Electoral Slate.

My election site is

And now for the most awkward part of my campaign, Donations...

I am running an open campaign so all donations will be posted on my site, if you do not want your information shown that is ok, I can always change it to say “Pending” for you.

To make donations easy I have set up a PayPal account, anything will help, I do not need to raise very much money for this so no donation is too small ($2 is a big help here)

To donate visit this link

Call me any time to talk about the election, and to tell me what message you would like me to take to City Hall for you.

Wishing you all the best,


Aaron Hall Cell 250-361-6986

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