Monday, October 03, 2011

Open Victoria - A New Elector Organization
Picture a city that thrives with new businesses, and where creativity and development are encouraged. A city where vibrant and resilient neighbourhoods can build their communities as they see fit. A city where the government genuinely engages citizens, and welcomes their contributions. A city where everyone is confident about the future, knowing that their municipality is sustainable – environmentally, socially, and financially – for many years to come.

This is an Open Victoria.

OPEN VICTORIA is a new elector organization that seeks to elect a mayor and councillors who want our city to realize its full potential.

Who we are. OPEN VICTORIA is a group of Victoria residents from all walks of life. We are businesspeople, environmentalists, managers, teachers, artists, and communicators. We have a diversity of political views, independent of any particular party or interest group, but hold several important values in common.

What we stand for. OPEN VICTORIA believes our city can meet the challenges of the future, but only if a new mayor and council establish new principles for governing our city. In particular, our priorities include:

  • Stabilizing municipal taxation, and protecting City and community services
  • Encouraging businesses and families to remain in our city, and ensuring that downtown Victoria retains its status as the economic and cultural heart of the region
  • Representing the public to City Hall, and challenging City staff to do their best for taxpayers
  • Reducing municipal red tape, including excessive bylaw and zoning regulation
  • Developing long-term plans and finances to upgrade or replace existing assets, instead of pursuing unlikely new megaprojects
  • Improving relations with other levels of government, and convincing them to take on a greater share of regional responsibilities, such as housing and policing
  • Opening up decision-making to greater public scrutiny, especially for finances and planning

Our objectives. OPEN VICTORIA will be a platform to identify, research, and discuss the issues relevant to the City of Victoria. OPEN VICTORIA will publicly recommend actions to City council and staff. And OPEN VICTORIA will endorse council and mayoral candidates.

Our city can do better. We want to hear your thoughts.

Please contact us:
Derry McDonell

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