Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rob Wickson has his donors online

Rob Wickson, who is running for Saanich Council, is publishing his donations online during the campaign.   I like this and would love to see everyone do this.   This is a brave thing to do as it may stop people from giving, but it also highlights exactly how much money he has raised.

Yes, I will be taking this to Open Victoria and see if we are in a position to do it.   The problem is that we have to go back and ask each of the people that gave money if they are ok with their name being published now.


  1. Anonymous1:19 am

    I'm not all that impressed with this. If you're going to disclose donations, that should include the $50 ones as well.

  2. Christina4:53 pm

    The rules for municipal campaign contributions are as follows:
    If a donor would like to remain anonymous, the donation cannot exceed $50 otherwise the whole amount must be turned over to the municipality.

    I hope that helps "Anonymous."

    Christina Mitchell

    Senior Campaign Advisor

  3. Further more, if any candidate receives anonymous donations that add up to over $50, the amounts must be turn over to Saanich. All donations must have names attached otherwise but anything under $100 does not have to be disclosed in the financial statements.

  4. Anonymous9:21 pm

    This is an important move that makes sense. I i would like to see all candidates, at all levels of government do this too.
