Monday, October 10, 2011

Saturday October 15th Saanich Civic League Public Forum

I will not be going as I will be camping with the Scouts.   If I was in town I might have gone.    The Saanich Civic League launched with a splash in the summer of 2008 but then seemed to have more or less dormant till now.   The tracking of votes did not happen, the informing the public has hot happened.

Saanich Civic League Public Forum
The Future is Local: Make your vote count now!

Saturday October 15 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
UVic Student Union Bldg / Michele Pujol Room

Meet, hear and talk with our expert panel:
Michael J. Prince, UVic professor of social policy
“Municipal Government 101: What Does it Do for Us?”

Elmarie Roberts, Local organic farmer
“Food Security for Saanich: How Secure Is It?”

James van Hemert, Senior consultant, HB Lanarc
“Hogs, Frogs and Dogs: Reconciling Conflict at the Urban/Rural interface”

Forum program - informative & interactive
Panel presentations + group discussions
Everyone welcome!
Re-inventing citizenship
Municipal Election 2011: Voting Day is Saturday, November 19
Info: or

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