Monday, November 21, 2011

2011 Victoria Election Results

  1. Dean Fortin     10080 (+2374)inc
  2. Paul Brown   OV  4229 
  3. Steve Filipovic  2206 (+795)
  4. David Shebib      161
Council - 17249 people cast 102945 votes for an average of 5.97 votes per elector 
  1. Geoff Young            8940 (+1664)inc
  2. Charlayne Thornton-Joe 8803 (-1084)inc
  3. Lisa Helps             8523
  4. Ben Isitt              8419
  5. Marianne Alto          7493 inc - elected in 2010 by-election
  6. Pam Madoff             7321 (-1696)inc
  7. Shellie Gudgeon        6904
  8. Chris Coleman          6793 (+691)inc
  9. John Luton             6343 (+341)inc
  10. Lynn Hunter            6101 (-1825)inc
  11. Philippe Lucas         5719 (-1323)inc
  12. Rose Henry             4866 (+1494)
  13. Sukhi Lalli OV         3993
  14. Linda McGrew  OV       3923
  15. Aaron Hall   OV        2777
  16. John C Turner          2014
  17. Robin Kimpton          1519
  18. Saul Andersen          1055
  19. Sean Murray             727
  20. Jon Valentine           682
Numbers in brackets are change 2008 results
OV is the Open Victoria slate

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