Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Saanich Candidate proposes new governance for Greater Victoria Region

I thought I had posted this the other day, but life is busy and I missed it.   I find this a very interesting idea and would love to have some beers with Rob to talk about it.


14 November 2011

For Immediate Release

Saanich Candidate proposes new governance for Greater Victoria Region

Saanich candidate Rob Wickson has made an important announcement today which could lead the way to a new governance model for the greater Victoria region.

“Over the past few months it has become increasingly evident that our present system of regional government is fractured and I know there is growing discontent out there. Whether we are talking about police, fire and transportation services or land development it appears that we are failing at the fundamental level to deliver efficient well planned services that benefit the overall quality of life in the region.” said Wickson. “After the 2008 municipal election my campaign team and I began to look at how the present system of governance could be improved. We came to the conclusion that a discussion was needed that looked at a different model which was more inclusive, accountable, transparent and less bureaucratic. “Metro Victoria” or “Metro Vic” was born. In the weeks that followed I crafted the following draft mission statement for Metro Victoria.”

Metro Victoria Draft Mission Statement

  • Metro Victoria is a new emerging group of people who are looking at defining processes that will move Metro Victoria away from the narrow confines of our existing political culture.
  • Metro Victoria wants to engage everyone in developing community shared values. Now is the time to ask questions that make the connection between today and tomorrow.
  • The region faces important issues that require unified, forward-thinking, innovative and focused solutions.
  • Metro Victoria’s underlying principles are governed by sustainability. Sustainability is not simply an environmental proposition. Until now, decision makers have not understood the social and economic dimension. Sustainable development must take into account environmental, social and economic factors.
  • Metro Victoria believes that sustainable communities are vital to the future of our regional development. The region is perfectly positioned to allow for what could be described as a ‘model’ for the Province and perhaps the rest of Canada.
  • We are confident that we can develop, change and lead the way in clean energy, low carbon emissions, affordable housing, transportation and land use.
  • Metro Victoria is about ‘thinking outside the box.’ New ideas about how our communities can work without borders for common benefits will be the foundation for Metro Victoria.This is the potential of change and Metro Victoria is a community where change is possible.
  • “ Metro problems need Metro solutions”

Wickson said,” I am dedicated to work with the community and across municipal boundaries to build out from this mission statement to create a better governance model because I believe we are now at a crossroads that will define the economic and sustainable future of the region. If we continue “business as usual” we will find ourselves unable to focus on the serious regional issues that face us and deliver only piecemeal solutions without any real democratic decision making and without real leadership.

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