Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Craigflower Bridge - Some Consultation with the School District

As a parent of kids that go to school in the catchment area of the Craigflower Bridge I get a notice about a meeting for consultation about the bridge yesterday.

Issue 1 -  a right of way across part of the land of the Craigflower School
Issue 2 - how will kids get across without a bridge?

I am rather shocked there has been serious discussion or consideration of how to get kids across while the bridge is closed?   The kids effected will be from K-8, which means the youngest ones in September that need the bridge will be four years old, though turning five before the end of 2012.

From the Associate Superintendents’ Office of SD#63
January 31, 2012
Dear Parent or Guardian,
This letter is your invitation to attend a public open house for the Admirals Road Corridor Improvement Project and the replacement of Craigflower Bridge.
The Greater Victoria School District, in conjunction with the District of Saanich and the Town of View Royal, will be holding a public meeting on February 7th, 2012 at 7:00pm in the gymnasium of Craigflower Elementary School, 2766 Admirals Road.

The purpose of this public meeting is to present various options for different aspects of the project and to gather your feedback on the options presented.  There will be issues discussed that will be of particular interest to parents. One of which, is that the school district has been asked to consider granting a right of way that would impact the current playground at Craigflower Elementary School. A second issue will be a discussion of options for the transportation of students to and from school during the bridge closure period. Your feedback on both of these issues and the options presented is important to us.
Information on this project can be found at the websites of both the Town of View Royal ( and the District of Saanich (
Thank you,

Deborah Courville
Associate Superintendent

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