Thursday, February 16, 2012

Interesting idea, Community Supported Fishery

I have known about Community Supported Agriculture for years and have been a member of a CSA at times.   Now there is a Community Supported Fishery.

In a CSA you agree to pay the farmer a set amount of money at the start of the season, normally payments are made in the spring.   You then get a share of the harvest each during the season.  I would join a CSA locally if I could find one.  A weekly box program from a farmer is not the same thing as a CSA, I know there those out there that think I am splitting hairs on this.

Last year Guy Johnson started the Michelle Rose CSF.   Now he is looking for people interested in taking shares for the 2012 season.   I am very interested in the idea and I think I will sign up, though I have to OK that with the boss as the full share includes a lot of shrimp and prawns, things Sheila does not eat.  I am interested in getting a source of seafood directly from the source and this would seem to be a good option.

Guy Johnson operates out of Cowichan Bay which is where you have to pick up your share.

Gabe Epstein of the Gorge Tillicum Urban Farmers has organized a meeting for people locally to meet Guy Johnson.

The meeting will be Sunday March 4th at 5:30 pm at the Saanich Neighbourhood Place in Pearkes Arena.

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