Thursday, March 01, 2012

CRD population changes

Stats Canada has released an interesting map of the CRD which shows where the growth has been and where not.   This breaks the results down to smaller units than just municipalities so we can see more closely than the overarching census numbers for municipalities what is going on with growth.   If I knew how to convert a PDF into a JPG, I would post it here.

There are five areas that grew by more than 17.7% - all four census areas in Langford and Sooke west of the Sooke River.

More interesting are the five areas of the CRD that grew by 11.8% to 17.6% - northwest View Royal(11.9%), southern Colwood(15.6%), Vic West (13%), Downtown(13.9%) and Burnside Gorge(12.9%).  I was very surprised to see that it was three neighbouhoods in the City of Victoria that grew this much.  

The rest of the City of Victoria either lost people or grew by less than 5.8%.  Seven areas lost people and seven had low growth.   In fact, in the core population was generally stagnant other than the three Victoria neighbourhoods.   I know the reasons these areas grew, they are the only parts of the city that have allowed for an increase in density in recent years.

The fastest growth in Saanich was in western rural areas of the municipality which highlights a trend in the CRD.Growth has been faster in many of the areas outside of the urban containment boundary than the older traditional areas within it. 

Colwood is interesting, the part that includes Belmont Park had the population shrink while the south end, the party with Royal Bay, grew at fast pace.  I had expected more growth in Colwood

If you want to delve deeper into the numbers, you can seek out the details of growth for each census tract.   The biggest loss of an CT was Esquimalt north of Esquimalt road with a drop of 10.2%. Next was southern Fernwood with a loss of 6.9% in population.  North Jubilee took a 3.7% hit.  Southern Broadmead dropped by 4.4%.

Top growth was in the Happy Valley part of Langford with 44.6% growth and in the Westhills part of Langford with 40.4%.

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