Friday, March 23, 2012

Spending in the 2011 Colwood election

In Colwood money helped some people but others it did not.   I think the main issue here is that most people did not spend much money at all on the election

The columns are money spend, ranking by votes, votes recieved, and change in vote from 2008 if applicable

  1. Brian Tucknott $8,215.67 2nd 1042 
  2. Carol Hamilton $4,522.98 1st 1412 +103 
  3. Jason Nault      $915.11 3rd  621 


  1. Shari Lukens     $14,037.39 1st 1881 
  2. Judith Cullington $4,465.78 5th 1629 -146 
  3. Richard Mckay     $3,840.83 7th 1368 
  4. William Wagner    $3,826.98 8th 1322 
  5. Rob Martin        $3,152.18 4th 1645 
  6. Gordie Logan      $2,875.77 2nd 1701 -66 
  7. Duane MacNeill    $2,560.42 10th 811 
  8. Teresa Harvey     $1,516.95 6th 1490 
  9. Ernie Robertson   $1,513.15 9th 1245 -451 inc
  10. Cynthia Day         $756.56 3rd 1651 -50
I think that Shari Lukens topped the election in votes because she out spend everyone else.   She spent almost as much as the next four highest spending candidates.

Brian Tucknott out spent Carol Hamilton almost two to one, but neither one spent what I would consider a large amount of money.

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