Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Greens to choose their Victoria by-election candidate on September 29th

This is the text of the notice that went out to Federal Greens in the Victoria EDA


This is your official notice that the Green Party of Canada is opening the candidate selection process today in Victoria for the upcoming by-election.  The by-election date has yet to be announced by the government.

Nominations will be open until the end of the day on Monday September 10, 2012.  Members will receive an email shortly after that date with information about the nomination contestants and the voting process.

The nomination contest - at which members will vote to select their candidate - will take place on Saturday September 29, 2012.  The time and place will be announced as soon as possible.  Please note that only those who have been members of the Green Party of Canada for at least 30 days may vote.

For more information on the nomination process, or to submit a nomination contestant application, please download the GPC Candidate Nomination Procedures document (PDF) here.

For questions, please write to webmaster@victoriagreens.ca.  Your email will be forwarded to a member of the EDA Executive.

The Victoria Electoral District Association Executive,
Green Party of Canada

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