Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Murray Rankin has some serious weight behind his candidacy

Murray Rankin is interested in being the NDP candidate in the Victoria by-election and he is coming to the race with a lot of strong support.   Very importantly Guy Dauncey and John Fryer are backing him which is a huge blow for the Greens.

It is an impressive list but not yet a complete knock out for all of the competition, but with teh nomination on October 14th it could be very shortly.

NDP MLAs - only Carole James is not on the list
Rob Flemning
Lana Popham
John Horgan
Maurine Karagianis

Former MLAs
Moe Sihota
Colin Gableman
Ian Waddell

Past NDP staffers
Chris Gainor
John Heaney
Doug McArthur
Jim Rutkowski

Other bigger names
Miles Richardson
Guy Dauncey
Michael Eso
John Fryer - he was campaign manager for Elizabeth May in Saanich-Gulf Islands but stepped down before the election.  He also ran for the federal Green council in 2010 and was elected as the council member for BC.
Robert Mitchell

I do not see any local councilors and the list for former MLAs from this region could include a lot more people 

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