Thursday, September 06, 2012

Paul Summerville - first person actively trying to get a nomination for the Victoria by-election

Economist Paul Summerville has announced on his website that he is actively seeking the Liberal nomination for the Victoria by-election.

Paul Summerville has run for parliament once before in 2006 but that time as a star candidate for the NDP.   In that election he ran in the Toronto riding of St Paul's and came a distant third with less than 20% of the vote.  As a star NDP candidate he received national attention and he was expected to do better than he did.

Among certain political circles he is reasonably well known, but as a person in Victoria he is not really known well at all.  He teaches at UVic and  does live on 10 Mile Point which is still within the Victoria riding.

Given that he is interested in the nomination I really do not expect anyone else to step forward for the Liberals.

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