Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Victoria Federal Riding - history of money raised and number of donors

I thought it might be interesting to see how the four major parties have done over the years in raising money and the number of donors they have had.   It gives a bit of a picture of how well organized the local organization is.    This data comes from Pundits' Guide.

NDP $ NDP Donors CPC $ CPC Donors Lib $ Lib Donors Green $ Green Donors
2011 GE $76,674.00 223 $93,955.00 23 $85,019.45 86 $33,884.00 98
2010 $14,480.00 144 $30,785.00 226 $23,769.00 226 $9,186.00 27
2009 $7,535.00 40 $24,855.00 186 $8,008.00 162 $5,980.00 12
2008 $13,321.00 176 $38,415.00 269 $39,377.00 256 $11,040.00 36
2008 GE $80,221.82 232 $77,869.35 146 $53,360.00 28 $23,636.47 83
2007 $11,048.00 118 $16,349.00 221 $29,053.00 384 $6,300.00 12
2006 $9,972.00 61 $18,812.00 149 $5,445.00 61 $4,236.00 67
2006 GE $75,202.02 754 $103,167.40 247 $23,482.56 56 $25,288.78 197
2005 $12,105.00 953 $63,226.00 1556 $10,760.00 214 $3,341.00 15
2004 $17,283.00 878 $29,315.00 196 $22,620.00 144 $7,796.00 106
2004 GE $59,609.02 639 $107,948.78 294 $92,597.50 129 $23,122.01 37
TOTAL $377,450.86 4218 $604,697.53 3513 $393,491.51 1746 $153,810.26 690

It is clear that the Conservatives have been the best party at raising money and has in the past done well with total donors in most years.  

The NDP looks weak between elections but has in four elections been the party with the most donors.    I am not sure what happened between 2006 and 2007 but there is a dramatic fall in donors for the NDP.

The Liberals have had a mixed history, some good years and some bad.  In money raised since 2004 they are slightly ahead of the NDP but when it comes to donors they are far behind.

The Greens are clearly the number four party in terms of donors and money raised.

What does this all tell us, I am not sure.  I had hoped before I pulled the data together it would give some way to understand which party has the advantage in the by-election.   The one thing that I can say, which I knew already, is that the Greens are starting in 4th place in the race.

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