Tuesday, November 06, 2012

It seems the candidates like to keep an eye on each other in the by-election

The offices of the four main candidates in the Victoria federal by-election are in two groupings rather close to each other.  In the last five federal elections I have lived in this riding for, this is the first time the campaign offices have been clustered so close together.

Where they are all the office are located in relation to each other

Green Party is at 622 Yates Street  and the Conservatives are one block further west at 546 Yates, the former NOOD store location.   The two locations are only 150 meters apart.   Both parties have some of the nicest campaign offices I have ever seen.

The Conservatives have a huge amount of space and spent some money on decorating it, though I am not sure the point of the big blue arch.   The space still looks empty and cavernous.

The Green offices are in an old clothing store and they have set it up to be inviting for the public to come in and hang out.   The space size is also right that with only a dozen people in it it can look very busy and full.

The locations are pretty good ones for walk by traffic, though I think the Green location is a bit better.   When I have stopped in there have always been people walking in off of the street, something I have rarely seen.

The Conservatives and Greens are both on lower Yates Street, 150 meters apart

The NDP are located at 1515 Cook Street while the Liberals are kitty corner at 1075 Pandora Street - only 120 meters away.

The NDP offices look the most like a traditional campaign office - everything is jury rigged to work, phone cables are strung from the ceiling, and people have made cubicles from cardboard.   This is the classic campaign war room.  The NDP office was the busiest yesterday afternoon, though only marginally more than the Greens.

The Liberals are in an old real estate office and of the four I visited offices yesterday afternoon, it looked by far the quietest.
The NDP and Liberals are both on the Corner of Cook and Pandora - 120 meters apart

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