Thursday, November 08, 2012

Saanich Food Roundtable November 20th 11 am

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 Saanich Food Roundtable
November 20, 2012
11:00am - 1:00pm

District of Saanich, in the Annex
770 Vernon Ave Victoria, BC
Come to learn and share about emerging issues and actions in Saanich related to the Food System including:
  • District of Saanich planner Jane Evans will update on planning and food related initiatives
  • Sustainability Office Communities in Harvest vegetable growing contest set for 2013
  • Community Kitchens Network Coordinator, Diane Andiel
  • Panama Flats, Gorge Community Gardens, Commonwealth Community Gardens, Food Scrap Recycling Program…
  • Update on the Regional Food Policy, and the efforts to support land access for farmers in motion.
This meeting is a roundtable format for networking and sharing information, please bring updates and any materials you would like to distribute.

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