Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Levée - a purely Canadian tradition - here is where to go in Victoria tomorrow

The New Year's Levée is a Canadian tradition where the viceroys, military and local government have special open houses on New Year's day.

In Canada the Levée is strongly connected with fur trading,  it was part of the New Year's day celebrations held at all the fur trading forts.    New Year's day was a long time big deal for the Hudson's Bay Company because most of the staff of the HBC were originally from Scotland and for many generations New Year's was a much bigger holiday there than Christmas.

For military Levees the expectation is for civilians to be well dressed - this means a jacket and tie for men.

Here is the list of all the Levees I can find any information about:

9 am start 
10 am start
10:30 am state
  • Lt.-Gen. E.C. Ashton Armoury, 724 Vanalman Ave. - Levee hosted by 11(Victoria) Service Company, 39 Service Battalion, 11 Victoria Field Ambulance, 39 Signal Regiment and 12 Military Police Platoon 
11 am Start
 Noon Start
12:30 am Start
1 pm start
1:30 pm Start
2 pm Start

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