Monday, December 17, 2012

UpTown December 2012

I was at UpTown to meet someone the other day so I thought I would take some time to take a few more pictures of how the development looks now.

There is a mud build up in this area, I am not sure how this will work over time

Looking down from the newly completed upper level
I like this detail on a building on the west side of Uptown Blvd
Upper east side of Uptown Blvd

 This is the enterance to the parkade from the north end of Uptown Blvd.   I am not sure that with the newly opened areas the traffic will be any better

One of the set of stairs going down to the parkade from the upper level

Newly completed upper north level of the development
Western outside part of UpTown
Ceiling above the escalator on the Grand Staricase

These are some of the various friezes on the site.   If I was obsessive enough, I would take pictures of all the different ones and post them online.   I like these details on the site.

More excavation - I am still not sure what is going to happen here

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bernard. My Uptown story...

    My wife and I went to Uptown to watch the recent Lighted Trucks tour. It was a cold, wet night and, on a hunch, I discovered that the stairwell to one of the unfinished outside buildings on the west side was unlocked.

    Even better, I climbed to the top and the door on the top floor was wide open. I went through to a a large unfinished floor with a wall of large windows overlooking the highway.

    Of course, it didn't take long for people below to see me silhouetted against the interior lights and we soon had a crowd of about 20 people or so up there. Great view, nice and warm... Not likely to happen again next year. :(
    The excavated area to the north will be the site of two condo towers. They were pitched about four years ago when the condo market collapsed and the builder -- not the same builder as Uptown itself -- backed out of the project until market conditions improved. IIRC, they were going to be about 36 stories tall!
    I don't care for the fountain area outside Walmart. The fountain and grass are fine, but they are surrounded on all sides by 'canyon walls' that produce this sense of being closed it. I think it is going to become something of a 'dead zone'.
