Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Final election results for Victoria area ridings

These are the final results

Riding               Liberals  NDP Greens Others total vote
Oak Bay-Gordon Head      7767  7536 10722   492   26517
Saanich North + Islands 10284 10407 10054   598   31343
Victoria-Beacon Hill     4378 12560  8747   130   25815
Saanich South            9256 11946  4011  1015   26228
Victoria-Swan Lake       5055 12350  5260     0   22665
Esquimalt-Royal Roads    6511 10963  4928   343   22745
Juan de Fuca             7044 12244  3646     0   22934
Total                   50295 78006 47368  1488  178247

Comparing the results riding by riding:

Oak Bay Gordon Head
Election   Liberals  NDP   Greens Others total vote
2009      11,877   11,316   2,330    0    25,523
2013       7,767    7,536  10,722  492    26,517
Change    -4,110   -3,780  +8,392 +492      +994

Saanich North and the Islands
Election   Liberals  NDP   Greens Others total vote
2009      13,120   12,875   3,220    0    29,215
2013      10,284   10,407  10,054  598    31,343
Change    -2,836   -2,468  +6,834 +598    +2,128

Victoria Beacon Hill
Election   Liberals  NDP   Greens Others total vote
2009        6,375  13,400   4,106  319    24,200
2013        4,378  12,560   8,747  130    25,815
Change     -1,997    -840  +4,641 -189    +1,615

Saanich South
Election   Liberals  NDP   Greens Others total vote
2009       11,215  11,697   1,664  235    24,811
2013        9,256  11,946   4,011 1015    26,228
Change     -1,959    +249  +2,347 +780    +1,417

Victoria Swan Lake
Election   Liberals  NDP   Greens Others total vote
2009        5,754  13,119   2,628  174    21,675
2013        5,055  12,350   5,360    0    22,665
Change       -699    -769  +2,732 -174      +990

Esquimalt Royal Roads
Election   Liberals  NDP   Greens Others total vote
2009        6,579  11,514   3,664    0    21,757
2013        6,511  10,963   4,928  343    22,745
Change        -68    -511  +1,264 +343      +988

Juan de Fuca
Election   Liberals  NDP   Greens Others total vote
2009        6,866  11,520   1,749    0    20,135
2013        7,044  12,244   3,646    0    22,934
Change       +178    +724  +1,897    0    +2,799

The Liberals lost two seats, one to the NDP and one to the Greens.

What I find interesting in these results is that while the Greens gained a lot of support the NDP was clearly not the majority of this new support.  

Only two NDP MLAs saw their vote increase, John Horgan and Lana Popham though the losses for the other three was not dramatic.   Victoria Swan Lake and Esquimalt Royal Roads were the two ridings in which the NDP vote dropped more than the Liberal vote.

The Green vote more than doubled in five of the seven ridings.   Only in Juan de Fuca was the Green vote increase less than the increase in total voters.   The Greens not only won one seat, but came second in two.   In all of BC in the election 2009 no Green did better than third and in 2005 a single Green managed to come second.

In five of seven seats the Greens managed to get more than 20% of the vote.   Only 16 BC Green candidates have ever managed to get over 20% of the vote in eight elections.   Three of the Greens in the CRD managed over 33% of the vote, never before has any BC Green managed more than 27.01%

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