Monday, September 15, 2014

2002 Esquimalt Election Results

I am missing some first names, if you know them, please let me know


  1. Darwin Robinson 1180
  2. Chris Clement    954 - mayor 1990-96 and 2005-08
  3. Connie McCann    886 - sitting councilor
  4. Basil Boulton    624 - councilor 1999-02 and 2005-08

Council - 6 to be elected

  1. Don Linge          1947 (+170) - incumbent
  2. Ruth Layne         1946
  3. Bruce McIldoon     1708
  4. Lori King          1678
  5. Maurine Karagianis 1666 (-170) - incumbent
  6. Hy Freedman        1610
  7. Pyper              1437
  8. Lynda Hundleby     1277 (-332) - incumbent - elected in 2005
  9. Bachop             1127
  10. Blair              1067
  11. Grant               956
  12. Wilkins             825
  13. Taylor              578
Numbers in brackets are change in vote from 1999 results
Incumbent Jim King did not run again

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