Thursday, September 04, 2014

2014 Amalgamation Referendum

Amalgamation Yes has worked hard to get local governments to offer a vote on amalgamation.  It is because of their work that we now have three municipalities putting a non-binding referendum on the ballot about amalgamation.

  • Victoria - 80,017 people
  • Langford - 29,288 people
  • Central Saanich - 15,936 people
This means 37.4% of the people in the region will get a vote in a referendum on amalgamation.

Oak Bay and Esquimalt seem to be considering putting the question on the ballot.  I think Colwood could be convinced to put it on the ballot now that several municipalities have said they will.

This still leaves Sidney, North Saanich, Saanich, Highlands, View Royal, Metchosin and Sooke that do not look like they will allow the public to vote on this issue.

In the municipalities where the public are not being offered a vote on amalgamation Pro-Amalgamation will be running a candidate for council to act as an ersatz referendum.   The candidate will be identified on the ballot as being with Pro-Amalgamation and a vote for them is a vote to move forward on amalgamation.

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