Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Candidate Fundraisers

I have heard about a couple of candidate fundraisers so I thought I would pass them along

First, Colin Plant in Saanich is holding a Music Fundraiser on Saturday October 11th at 7:30 pm at Claremont Secondary

Produced by Robert Holliston and Kenji Fuse this fun musical fundraiser will benefit local arts organizations and the campaign for Colin Plant for Saanich Council.
Featuring at least a dozen different performers and a plethora (yes plethora) of musical genres.
All tickets $10 at the door. Doors open at 7pm.
It is also Robert's 59th birthday and he'd like to see you there! Come celebrate with Robert!

The second is by Andrew Reeve in Victoria

You are formally invited to join me for an evening of drinks and hors d'oeuvres at the Bard & Banker on October 15th. I'll be hosting this event as a fundraiser for my Victoria city council campaign. There is nobody on our council born after the 1970's and that is something that I, with your assistance, intend to change. My generation was raised being told that it will be our responsibility to deal with issues like climate change, decaying city infrastructure, the growing debt, and affordable housing. Let us start to deal with the issues facing our future, because we cannot afford to be the "leaders of tomorrow." We must be the leaders of today.
I hope that you will support me in this endeavour to bring a much-needed fresh perspective to our city council. Please feel free to forward this email to your contacts in Victoria that may be interested in attending.
There is limited space, so please RSVP to secure your place.
Where: Bard & Banker, 1022 Government Street
When: Wednesday October 15th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
To RSVP please click here.
I hope I can count on your support and that I'll see you there on the 15th!
Andrew J. Reeve
Candidate for Victoria City Council
andrewjreeve.ca | @andrewjreeve | (250) 800-2716

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