Monday, October 13, 2014

1993 City of Victoria Election Results

Thank you to Rob Randall for getting this info to me

  1. Bob Cross           5624 sitting councilor 
  2. David Turner        4298 (-1094)(inc)  
  3. Jim MacMillan Murphy 106
  1. Geoff Young         5316 (-2075)(inc)
  2. Helen Hughes        4293 (-1807)(inc)
  3. Alan Lowe           4754 (-1990)(inc)
  4. Laura Acton         4666 (-1851)(inc)
  5. David McLean        3586
  6. Pamela Madoff       3302
  7. Bob Friedland       3262
  8. Jane Lunt           3124
  9. Bis Whitby          2956
  10. Dave Davies         2897
  11. Chris Coleman       2825
  12. Beth R. Loring      2770
  13. David A. Richardson 2612
  14. Kay Lines           2135
  15. Sandra Hudson       1913
  16. Deborah J. Cameron  1768
  17. Alison Boston       1064
  18. C. Joe Richards      955
  19. Diana Smardon        922
  20. George Hall          912
  21. David Shrive         801
  22. Edward Robinson      761
  23. Rania Hatzioannou    533
  24. Sean Michael Murray  452
  25. Denis F. Oliver      291
Numbers in brackets are change from 1990 results

Past Election Results

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