Thursday, October 02, 2014

Who Do You Support?

I asked this question on Facebook yesterday and here are the answers from six people in Victoria on who they support

Jody Paterson I like Marianne Alto because she took it upon herself to find out how the City of Victoria could support Peers Victoria and sex workers, and she worked with council to craft a strong-worded letter that took a brave (and uncommon for a municipality) stand against further criminalization of sex work. And while this is just one issue and perhaps not the one a municipal politician can hang their hat on, I think that what she did shows integrity, a commitment to equality, courage, and follow-through. Those are pretty important qualities on all kinds of other fronts.

Lori King Mayor Barb Desjardins for sure in esquimalt for balanced view on issues regardless of outside forces, serving communities first and foremost. need continuity, i also support Ida Chong for mayor of vic, i've worked and met with Ida on number of community issues when she was minister and she has shown kindness grace and real compassion to the concerns i had. Also know that she will be working for the community and business community and not just the cupe unions that usually donate large to some in that council. I will be thinking about my votes and intentions of candidates, i'm very suspect on the fact that councillors or mayors don't have to recuse themselves from decisions involving labour considering the amounts donated to some by both cupe and clc. When business donates or a developer, a councillor and mayor should also be recusing themselves.

i also will be supporting Andrew Reeve, Charlayne thorton joe for their common sense and hard work ethic they embrace

Cairine Green in Oak Bay, i've liked her stance on crd and issues, much more so than what i heard from jensen at a crd board meeting, wow that was appalling

Terry Glavin Lisa Helps. Because she's not Ida Chong.

Tim Morrison Stepping away from my own community, I am urging voters in my neighbouring municipality of Victoria to vote for Lisa Helps because of her collaborative and inclusive approach to positive decision-making on important regional issues. For too long, our region has been poorly governed and Lisa has demonstrated the leadership and vision to get us back on track

David J. A. Foster Knowing Andrew Reeve personally I can vouch for him - he is a younger candidate but much more mature than many of the older ones, and is committed to addressing the real needs of the city, not funding grandiose mayoral legacy projects. Lisa Helps and Ida Chong are both strong candidates and would make far better mayors than Dean Fortin not that would be difficult. I am hoping that Fortin and his lackeys finally get the boot for their years of misleading voters on projects such as the Johnson Street Bridge. Marianne Alto may be a lovely person but she has also been one of Dean's chief enablers on council and has also tried to become a provincial NDP candidate and I predict, will again. If she's smart enough to see through Dean why does she stay on his team if not for some ulterior motive? And of course Barb Desjardins has been a courageous community focused mayor of Esquimalt, almost single-handedly forcing the CRD to re-evaluate its poor designed sewage treatment plan.

Lynn Hunter In Victoria I will be working to get Councillor Pamela Madoff re-elected. Her wisdom when developing the community plan was invaluable. Her advocacy for heritage buildings continues to add value to our city. I am also supporting Charlayne Thornton-Joe for her big heart and caring ways. Another worthy candidate is Marianne Alto. Her intelligence and work ethic provides good perspective to our city. I support Dean Fortin for Mayor. He is a very consultative mayor who brings lots of experience to the job.

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